Marriage Preparation Program

Personalized program with private sessions for people considering or planning marriage or long-term commitment. Online programs with some individual consultation also offered. For those entering a first marriage or a second or subsequent one, we offer education and tools for recognizing differences and finding common ground. We recognize the challenges of incorporating children and their other parent and extended family into the new family. Our Program also addresses the issues that may arise as adult children adjust to or do not agree with or support their parent’s decision to enter a new relationship.

Real life examples

Stan and Lisa, both 32, are engaged. Lisa was raised in a Roman Catholic home; Stan was raised in a secular family that did not belong to any defined religion. As they began planning their wedding, they realized there were many arguments about topics and choices they had never even thought...

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What is the benefit of premarital counselling?

Premarital counseling helps partners improve their ability to communicate, set realistic expectations for marriage and develop conflict-resolution skills.

Merging Two Families is Incredibly Difficult

When people get married, they envision all the love and romance that they’ll share together as a happily wedded couple. But most couples in second marriages also bring children with them which means that along with all the romance comes practical aspects of managing not just one, but two families. That means shuttling children around to and from exes’ houses, splitting holidays and helping each others’ kids (who may not like you) with homework, dance costumes and soccer practice. That also means that you may not have the time together you want to have because you’re splitting it with both partner’s children. All the to-do’s of one family is hard enough ― having two families makes it even harder.
– Aaron Anderson, a therapist and Director of The Marriage and Family Clinic in Denver, CO.


At Milestones & Transitions, we do not accept or give any referral fees or bonuses. If we recommend or refer to a particular professional, facility or service, you may rest assured that referral is based solely on our assessment of your needs.

Our Services

Many employment benefit packages include services from a Registered Social Worker. Check your benefit package.

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