As of September 1, 2024, Patricia Fenton is not accepting any New Adoptive Applicants.
Patricia Fenton, MSW, RSW, was one of the Founders of the Adoption Council of Ontario and served as its first Executive Director. In 1999, after several years of adoption education, support and advocacy, she became an Approved Adoption Practitioner and has worked with many adoptive families and their children. She has worked as a trainer for PRIDE (Parent Resources for Identification, Development & Education), and also for SAFE, the assessment/home study method now used across Ontario and in other jurisdictions. Later she joined the Ontario Ministry of Children & Youth Services and worked at first as an Adoption Officer and then as Acting Co-ordinator of Private and International Adoption. Subsequently, she returned to private practice in adoption as her first love is to work more directly on behalf of children and youth in need of a permanent family.
In addition to her professional work in Adoption, Patricia is herself an adoptive mother and also a birth grandparent. As a strong proponent of open adoption relationships, she, along with her husband and daughters, is part of a large extended family that includes her daughter’s birth family as well as her birth grandson’s adoptive family.
At Milestones & Transitions, Patricia specializes in Adoption Services: consultation, home studies, working with birth parents, and post placement services and support. For over 30 years, before COVID interfered, she co-ordinated Families in Adoption, one of Toronto’s longest running support groups for adoptive families. She is actively involved in sharing her adoption expertise as a Mentor for social workers in training to become Approved Adoption Practitioners.