Michaele-Sue Goldblatt

Michaele-Sue Goldblatt, MSW, RSW, began her professional career in Child Welfare, working for many years in Foster Care and Adoption. In this area of practice, she continues to provide services to Birth Parents considering adoption and to adopted adults, birth parents, adult adoptees and their siblings and parents in respect to Adoption Reunion.

Today, about 85% of Michaele-Sue’s practice is in the area of Loss, Grief & Bereavement. She works with adults who have experienced the death of any family member or friend; she consults with parents regarding their children who have experienced loss and sometimes works with adolescents. She has experience working with individuals who have chosen M.A.I.D. [Medical Assistance in Dying] and their families. She has worked with many parents who have lost their children to drug overdoses or suicide. In her Grief practice, she provides a sensitive and safe place for the bereaved to express themselves, their sadness, their despair and rage. She also has a sub specialty in Infertility, Miscarriage, Stillbirth and Neonatal Loss.

Michaele-Sue also works with people Coping with Illness.

Fees: $195.00 per hour. An allowance may be made to provide service at a lesser cost.

Most employee benefit plans cover the counselling services of a Registered Social Worker. Please consult your benefit plan. No HST on counselling services provided by a Registered social worker. Any fees paid that are not reimbursed by a benefit plan may be claimed as a medical expense on your CRA return.

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