Betty Ann Streeter

Betty Ann Streeter, MSW, Dip in Adv Social Work, RSW, is a registered Social Worker with much experience in private practice as an Approved Adoption Practitioner and as a Transition Specialist.  Betty Ann  provides services, including the SAFE adoption home study,  preparing for and  adjusting to adoptive parenthood and post placement support.   Counselling is also offered to parties of an adoption as they   experience the changes in the lifelong adoption journey.

As a Transition Specialist, her work focuses on assisting  clients  preparing for and adjusting to  significant changes in their lives. Whether change is developmental, predictable or unpredictable, it is always accompanied by  losses and gains.   These are frequently unrecognized or unacknowledged and  leave  individuals with mixed and frequently conflicting emotions.   The process of identifying and understanding the gains, losses  and emotions being felt by the individual  supports the individual’s adjustment to the new state.

Betty Ann’s expertise also includes  other examples of significant change  considering a life changing decision,  adjusting to infertility, becoming a parent for the first time or reaching a new stage in parenting.

Please click FEES for costs regarding specific services.

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