To Search of Not To Search?

This can be a very big question. 

There is now widespread social and legal  recognition of the adult adoptee’s need and right for information about themselves.

Starting points as you consider searching for your birth parents and birth family would be your age and the prevailing attitudes and laws relevant  to adoption at the time of your placement. 

On a more personal level  would be the  social history history information provided at the time of your placement, which you already have, and whether you know of any updates to this information.

Our  SEARCH AND REUNION  SERVICES guide you in navigating the maze of resources relevant to your search. 

Has your decision to begin your search now been sparked by a specific event, such as a marriage, birth or medical issue,  or are you mobilizing your long felt desire for contact with the person you seek?

We will help you identify and address your FEARS, and clarify  your EXPECTATIONS.

As deemed appropriate, we will discreetly make contact with the person you are searching. 

We will support you in  receiving the person’s response  or,  infrequently, in lack of response. 

We will assist you in pacing contact with the person/persons  with whom you wish to be reunited and we will guide and support you  through an intensely emotional and freeing journey which can be expected to have  an Impact on and involve members of your birth family and your adoptive family.

by:  Betty Ann Streeter, MSW, RSW, Adv.Dip.S.W.

Milestones & Transitions

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