Further Information Regarding Fees
Our Fees for the Services you require are based on a number of factors:
- When you work with one of us on a counseling basis, you will be charged an hourly rate for our services. We charge for time meeting with you, either in a face-to face meeting in person or by electronic means or by telephone. Time spent on your behalf on telephone calls and emails will also be billed to you. You will be billed for travel time if our meetings take place outside of our offices.
- When we are providing an Assessment of your needs in anticipation or as part of our Counseling Services, you will be billed for the time we spend with you and for the time we spend on your behalf. This time might include research into various programs and resources in the community, Communication with other professionals such medical professionals, psychologists, social workers and others with whom you may have worked in the past, Consultation with our M & T colleagues, Preparation and Writing of reports. You will, of course, be asked to sign a Release of Information authorizing us and the other professionals working or having worked with you in the past, to communicate with each other as necessary.
- A one-time one hour consultation between ourselves [M & T social workers in addition to your primary social worker] and you may be provided on a complimentary basis.
- Disbursements such as car allowance, parking, courier and other relevant disbursements will be billed to you.
- Payment Terms: In some instances, such as an Adoption Homestudy, an initial retainer or deposit is required. For work done on an hourly basis, you will be billed monthly. Payment is due upon receipt and you will be charged interest on accounts older than 30 days.